Smoke Drift Disputes

Smoke Drift Disputes

Smoke Drift Disputes Smoking in community titles schemes (CTS) is the subject of many enquiries received by our information and community education unit. This article aims to provide information to owners and occupiers who may be having a dispute with someone else in...
Visitor Parking… What is it?

Visitor Parking… What is it?

Visitor Parking… What is it? IVAN SARAKULA Posted by Hynes Legal You might wonder why the question of who is a visitor, matters and if you do, you are in the strata minority.  The ostensible abuse of visitor car parking privileges is the trigger for an enormous amount...
Car Parking in Strata

Car Parking in Strata

Car Parking in Strata One of the most perpetual problems in Strata Schemes is parking for residents and their guests. This is caused either by parking in another residents place, unauthorised parking on common property or obstructing parking spots of another resident...
Smoking in Strata

Smoking in Strata

Smoking in Strata Smoking – where do we start? There is a range of legislated rules around smoking. Smoking has now been banned in aged care facilities and one of the recent state government...