Our Services

flat fee Administration

Let us focus on you…

Let us focus more on YOU, the client rather than how long we spend on the phone or how many emails we send…

We charge a flat fee for both our Administration charges as well as our Disbursements on our Agreed Services. This makes it easier for budgeting at the beginning of each year and assists the Committee greatly in assessing the levies required.

Other fees are charged by our Company but these are issued on a “user pays” basis and not charged on the Agreed Services.

A full list of cost for additional services are listed below.


We can provide a comparison to prove that we better service at a more competitive rate. Contact us online or call one of our qualified Managers on (07) 5448 8725 or email reception@nssm.com.au

Online Services

We utilise the Stratamax (specialised Strata software) functionality in our technology and computer system. This means you can login to: pay levies, change your address, obtain insurance certificates, order disclosure statements and settlement certificates online.

Why wait on the phone to obtain these services when you can obtain them at the touch of a button.

You also have the ability to look at financial reports, minutes, arrears, insurance details, valuations, fire reports and other vital information to ensure the complex is running smoothly.

These reports and more are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

In addition you can email us with any queries you may have and obtain a response within 24 hours. See our “meet the Team” page for the email address of the staff member you are looking for.

If you are an owner in a complex managed by us and you have not received your login please email us at reception@northshorebodycorp.com.au and we will arrange for this to be sent to you immediately so you can access all this information easily and at your leisure.

Stress-free property maintenance

We have the full one stop property shop when it comes to maintenance on properties as part of the Johns Lyng Group.

We have reliable and capable contractors that we can utilise 24 hours a day (with low callout fees) and know that they are trusted and able to complete the job as quoted and without hassle.

Owners are reminded that there is a work order fee in place for all work orders issued by our office.We take the unknown and the stress out of getting maintenance performed on your building.

If requested, NSSM can obtain quotations and do the running around associated with getting these quotes and then present them to the committee so that an informed and relaxed decision can be made.

If you are a current client please utilise our “Contact us” form on this site to advise us of your maintenance issue and we will respond within 24 hours.

Quality Contractors

We take the unknown out of engaging a contractor to perform Body Corporate maintenance.

Our Contractors deal with both the North Shore Realty Rental Department, North Shore Sales and North Shore Body Corporate. These businesses integrate well for Owners, Tenants and Landlords in complexes managed by the North Shore Group.

Many people source contractors they have never dealt with before which can sometimes provide an unknown outcome as to the job quality and timeliness. We only use trusted contractors that we have used time and again. If there ever is a problem with their work, we know we can ask them to go back to a property again at no cost until the problem is fixed – completely, totally and permanently.

Additional Services

North Shore Strata is engaged by your strata community for an agreed fee to attend to the secretarial and financial functions on behalf of the body corporate.

These services may include matters such as convening and attending the annual general meeting which involves preparation of proposed budgets and sending notices for the meeting, in addition to forwarding minutes to all owners. NSSM also provide these same services for committee meetings held by your body corporate.

In addition NSSM attends to routine correspondence and assists your body corporate in ensuring that they are compliant with legislative issues.

The Financial Team at NSSM looks after financial matters include opening and operating the strata community’s bank account, attends to payment of accounts, issue contribution notices to lot owners and receipting those payments.

We also carry out reconciliation of the accounts and preparation of financial statements at the end of each financial year, as well as liaising to obtain quotations for the renewal of the body corporate’s insurance.

The necessary registers required to be kept by law are established and maintained by NSSM. These registers include the body corporate roll, contracts register, register of improvements on common property and lot improvements records.

All other important documentation and records such as the Community Management Statement for the scheme and other reports are kept and maintained for the body corporate which are also made available to inspect with the body corporate records.

Additional items not included in the Agreed Services may be requested from time to time and these are charged in accordance with the schedule of Additional Fees listed on this website.