Solar Panel Request Body Corporate (Building) Name(Required)Body Corporate Address(Required) Street Address Suburb State Postcode Lot/Unit No.(Required)Name(Required) Title Dr.MissMr.Mrs.Ms. First Last Phone(Required)Mobile(Required)Email(Required) Status(Required) Owner Tenant Prospective Tenant Prospective Owner Type(Required)Dimensions(Required)Placement of Unit(Required)Number of Units(Required)Placement of Pipe Work(Required)Colour of Ducting(Required)Company to Install Unit(Required)Capacity (KW)(Required)Other InformationAttachmentsPlease attach a diagram as to the location of the Solar Panels for installation (if applicable)Max. file size: 128 MB.Please Note and Acknowledge I agree to the following.1. The installation is not to commence until the lot owner receives approval from their body corporate in writing. 2. Prior to lodging your application we recommend that you review the body corporate by-laws so that you can address any conditions included in the by-laws. 3. Please note that North Shore Body Corporate is not authorised to consider your request. It will be forwarded to the body corporate committee for their consideration. 4. If approval is granted by the body corporate, it will be subject to any conditions imposed through the body corporate by-laws and any conditions imposed by the committee. Please confirm to proceed(Required) Application Processing Fee - $90 (Inc GST) Total Payment Method(Required) Credit Card / Debit Card Direct Deposit Card TypeVisaMastercardAmex(2.66% Surcharge to all Cards)Name of Cardholder(Required)Card NumberExpiry DateCVCDirect Deposit Bank DetailsNorth Shore Strata Pty Ltd BSB: 184-446 | Account Number: 304 497 035Upload copy of Direct Deposit Payment ConfirmationMax. file size: 128 MB.